braveheart coaching

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2 weddings and a miracle


when i first took this wedding, i had another one in the wings.  both were for friends, both i had given my 'friend deal' too :).  one, though had to fly us to him and provide our room and board.  so, that was the fee, basically.  i wanted to be at both and do both, but both were for the same day and 1,000 miles apart.  there were underlying commitments to the one that was long distance, so i needed to take that one and let the other one go....which meant no cash in hand.  I had been basically unemployed for 3 months now and the money would have been very much needed.  time to trust god.  he knew what we needed and it might just be some time away.  these were also very new friends to me.  so, on to Reno and lake tahoe i go.....

when i shoot a wedding (or ANYthing for that matter), my heart is ALL in.  I LOVE taking pictures and capturing those moments.  i know i am not the best out there and it is a constant struggle to not compare myself against all those who have more training or a different gifting than i~constant!!!  AND it is training for me to do what god has called me to do.

i went ready to shoot my heart out....the venue was beautiful--a river boat on the lake.  the food was yummy, the weather could not ask for a better day....the family was excited and it was a fun time.

my plane left the next morning, so i had to be up and ready to go.  i got a call from the grooms mom (a precious, PRECIOUS woman of God) to come and have breakfast with her and her family.  i did.  And as i was leaving, she handed me a card~a thank you note (i assumed)....i got in the car, rushing to catch my flight and I opened the card to read.  inside was a check in the EXACT amount i would have made had i done the other wedding.  she had NO IDEA that is how much i charged my was such a God thing and such a confirmation to me that i had made the right choice.  not that i would not want to be there for my other friend, but i had to walk in what god was saying and trust god to provide for that friend too.  to see some of the pictures from that wedding click here.

linked up with chatting at the sky and sweet shot tuesday