braveheart coaching

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clean cribs

Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox. proverbs 14:4

Hehe...this is a small portion and a very conservative look of what my house looks like when i am trying to cook for the family.  heck...this is what it looks like most days...when i'm not cooking :)

it is so easy for me to get so down on myself for not having a clean house.  for living life in my home.  for years, my home needed to look like a model home. there was some outside influence in that pressure, but i succumbed to ones fault but my own....

i had a friend one day tell me this little thought and i adopted it for myself.  it is this:  i see my primary ministry as for anyone who comes into my home....they automatically feel better about their own.  how true it is.  sadly or not.

then this scripture came across my eyes as i was reading one morning.  it freed me up.  i have a lot of oxen.  a.lot.  and we are pretty productive.  we are all pretty {messy} creative.  I have to realize that if we are neat and clean and everything is in its place, nothing productive can be happening....or not too much. crib is NOT clean....and we have much increase.....come join the mess :)

linked up today with chatting at the sky