snow ice cream!!!

Around our house, when there is snow, we have several traditions.  The first one :  When the snowflakes start, we head to Starbucks for hot chocolate.  This tradition started when I was HUGE pregnant with Autumn (#8); we were homeschooling; it snowed and I didn't have the energy to fight all the changing of clothes.  So, I loaded everyone up and we went to Starbucks and played MadGab.  What a memory!!  That started something big, that after breakfast yesterday of hot chocolate and donuts the kids came running down stairs (on their sugar high) and informed me that we MUST get to Starbucks before its too icy to make it....I vetoed that for the second tradition:  SNOW ICE CREAM!!!!  No matter how little snow we get, if it takes scraping off the wind shield and pulling grass and leaves out of the snow, we have ice cream.  I know everyone knows how to make it, so to make this worth reading, I will share some of my tips for making it yummy, and fun....1st...use CREAM....instead of all milk.  I had some half and half that needed to be used, so it went in also....but that makes it so much creamier!  We also color it...this time it was pink....its always the fight...which color...and of course the boys want yellow....and everyone runs around yelling...don't eat YELLOW SNOW :)...

The next tip---and I use this one all the time---is powdered sugar!  If you don't want to taste the grainy-ness of sugar that won't dissolve, use this!  I use it with my home made whipped cream, in drinks that I need a quick dissolve and when I don't have regular sugar~I am always running out of the most important ingredients at the most in opportune I have learned to make do with what I have...

Once its made, we all sit down and enjoy this yummyness that only comes every so often.....and the fun that goes along with it.....

Everyone enjoys snow days!!!!
