
Isaiah 30:15 in quietness and rest is your salvation..... Our family recently went on a beach vacation. Along with the talks of watching out for sharks and jelly fish were the constant instructions and reminders of what to do if you get caught in a rip tide.  Not a pleasant thought, but a necessary thing to do.  We went over and over the fact that you may feel like you are drowning and you may feel the need to swim as hard as you can, in actuality, those things are not true and could bring further danger.  I told the kids how to lay back and let the current take them out of the ripe tide and that the best thing to do is to relax and go with the waves until they were out of it and they could swim easily back to shore.  Thankfully, we never have encountered a rip tide.

I am in a difficult situation right now.  I am floundering in many ways....wanting to hear from God~about direction, dreams, passions, healing~you name it, i am wandering......I was on my walk this morning and I got a picture of me in a rip tide flailing around trying to save myself and get out of the waves...I was thrashing about, with my arms up, head spinning and fighting as hard as I could.... instantly the teachings I had been giving my children just several weeks ago came back like thunder....God spoke and said you are doing exactly what you have told your children not to do in this situation....lay back, let ME carry you out of the tide, let ME carry you out of the crashing waves.  It is a picture of peace, of rest, of waiting on God.  This goes against our very nature when we feel like we are drowning....we want to fight with all we have....when our salvation comes in resting and waiting for the waves to calm. submitted to