braveheart coaching

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what's your 10?

one day, i was perusing through some recommended reading materials...if you have looked on my blog for any length of time, you know that books and reading are one of my vices favorite things.....i saw a book that piqued my was called 'the confident woman'...didn't notice who it wrote it, but it was imprinted in my memory.  a couple of days later, i was at walmart, in the books (i told you it could be problematic :) )  out jumps a book named 'the confident woman' was by joyce meyer.  i thought, this has to be god....i'm getting the book ;)  I took it home and began reading....i was blown away....i will paraphrase what she said in the 1st chapter....ok...maybe i will copy it......

Confident people do not concentrate on their weaknesses; they develop and maximize their strengths.

For example, on a scale of 1-10, I might be a 3 when it comes to playing the piano.   Now, if I were to practice long and hard--and if my husband could put up with the racket--I could, maybe, transform myself into a middle of the road, level-5 pianist.  However, as a public speaker, I might be an 8.  So, if I invested my time and effort into this ability, I might just be able to get to a level 10.  When you look at it this way, it's easy to see where you need to invest your efforts.

The world is not hungry for mediocrity.  We really don't need a bunch of 4s and 5s running around doing an average job in life.  This world needs 10s.  I believe everyone can be a 10 at something.

i actually had to stop reading at that spot.  i was overwhelmed with the impression that from this that god made everyone to be a 10 at something....and i was struggling--ok...i still am....with what god intended for me when he thought of me....what he made me a 10 at....

now, i have to tell you the rest of the story of the book.  although i stopped reading this book (and still haven't gone further than the first chapter), i found that the book i was originally looking for was by another author.  i did end up getting that book, and it was great, also.  but for some reason, god wanted me to get this message....this was over 2 years has stayed with me and has caused me to cry out in ways i haven't before.

the point of all this is....if god made me (and you) a 10 at something....what is it?  I have, in the past, labeled myself a 'jack of all trades, master of none'.....i can do so many things, but none feel like they are the 10.....i truly want to lay down anything that is keeping me from becoming all that god wants me to be....

in starting this new heart (and i believe the heart of god) is to allow this to become a place where you and i can look for that may already have it....and if you do, i would love to hear about it...and i know many others would, too!  if you have a gift, a talent, anything that god has gifted you with and you would like to share it, please let me know! i would love for this to become a place of encouragement, whether by words spoken in the blog itself, comments, or supporting each other in the endeavor of finding that 10 that god made in you and me.  i hope this to become a place of passion....of sharing things that you are passionate about, that i am passionate about and ultimately that god is passionate about......