braveheart coaching

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i CAN see the forest......

on days, weeks, months like this, it is hard to see the big picture.  we have had the flu at our house {for weeks, now} and it seems like this is the way it has always been.  someone coughing or snorting their way to breathing.  and its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  after months of unemployment, it is hard to see that anything will change. and.

i have to remember that there have been days and weeks like this before.  not necessarily with unemployment, but with sickness.  heavens.  there was a season when several of the children had chicken right after the other.  it was hard to see a day coming when we could just all go out and play.

that season is {thankfully} over.

and it is in remembering those {very difficult}  seasons that i remember the faithfulness of god is never ceasing.  his mercies never come to an end.  they are new every morning.  the new morning may not be 24 hours later, but the new morning is coming.

this is one of the hardest things for me to stay on top of.  that what i am seeing right now in front of my face is not what it's all about.

there is a much bigger picture and it is not the tree {job situation, illness, relationship} in front of me.  it is an eternal work that he is doing in me and those around me. that there is a forest beyond the tree.