pretty vs. beautiful

I have a friend that tells me on occasion that I need to stop being pretty so that I can be beautiful. I really have not understood what this meant. At times I was even offended.....I must admit. I got the awesome opportunity to see what he was telling me and want to encourage you by sharing it with you.  As a mom, I must say, I have 9 of the most awesomely wonderful and beautiful children. We have been in a tough place as a family, and my children have been feeling the stress and pain of it all.  I have six daughters, who are strikingly beautiful. One in particular though.....she is very reserved, quiet, and not expressive in her emotions at all. Yesterday, I called her to me for something and I could tell she had been crying. I had to press in and dig a little, but once I did, the flood gates opened.....she began weeping--uncontrollably.  It was in that moment that I saw pretty vs. beautiful. I got to witness the beauty of grief, pain, and sorrow. Then I saw the beauty of cleansing and of peace. I saw the most beautiful sight in my daughter in that moment. Was she pretty?  No....not in the world's terms....But she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in that moment.  Now, in my weakness, I want to tell her it will be okay, and to not is uncomfortable to see someone in pain, and to allow them to show the emotion of that pain. I am learning to embrace the pain that life brings. I am learning to allow those around me to express how God made them to express their emotions.There will be women in our lives that are in great pain. They have been told it is not good to show emotion. They have been told they need to look 'pretty'. If I have the opportunity to, and I pray that I do.....I want to encourage anyone I may come in contact with to be beautiful. To cry, to be themselves, to allow God to show them who they really are. It is very uncomfortable to watch someone in pain. It is also very comforting when I am in pain, to have someone to hold me and to cry with me. I want to be free enough toallow someone to cry out in their pain and to cry with them. I want the beauty that God has placed in me to be expressed and shared with others walking through the same pain. I know that is what God wants of you, too!!!!  Don't be pretty, be beautiful!!!!