the mountain IS there....

many years ago, I lived in California.  I lived there several times growing up and once as an adult.  the last time, i was only there for about 8 months.  I lived close to the ocean and enjoyed those views daily.  it may be where i got my love for the ocean and beach.  one morning as i was on my way to the car headed to work, the ground began shaking, car alarms began blaring and i couldn't get my keys in the car door due to its movement.  we were having an earthquake....well, i won't go into all happened that day, because that's not really my point here, but it is important, i think, to note that it had just happened.  the next morning, i went to do the same thing all over again (going to work) and looked out toward the east and there was the MOST BEAUTIFUL mountain i had ever seen.  Now, I have seen pretty mountains before and LOVE the mountains, but what made this mountain so spectacular that morning, was, first, it was the day after the earth shook me in my boots...literally and figuratively :) .  the biggest thing that makes this mountain so special is that i had never seen it before.  it had never shown its face to me.  it had been covered in all the haze and smog that goes with living in southern cali.  as i was driving to work, i could not keep my eyes off that mountain.  the sky was an incredible shade of, so clear!  the mountain was so majestic standing there all proud.  God spoke:  he said...i am like that may not see me, but i am there.  you may not feel me, but i am there, i may be all covered up by things of this world...your haze, your pollution, but i am there...i will not go away....and it is after the earth shakes for you that you can see me most clearly....

The interesting thing about seeing the mountain that day, is that I never saw it again. I was there several more months and it never came out of the fog/smog/haze during the rest of the time i was there.

i am in a hazy, foggy, smoggy time right now.  i can't see him very clearly...but i know HE is there...HE promises to be there and to never leave me.  my earth is shaking and i am standing on faith and hope of seeing his face as clearly as i have before....just as clearly as the mountain...because HE IS THERE.....

linked up today with steady mom and chatting at the sky and sweet shot tuesday AND so much shouting so much laughter :)