sweet 16

my miss madeleine rose is 16 today.  it is hard for me to put into words the changes that this little girl brought to me -- and to the family in general.  it was never intended or thought out before hand, but this sweet girl is the 'middle child'.  now when you think of the 'middle child' do you just automatically go to the 3 kid thinking?  well, with 9 kids, she had 4 older and 4 younger....and she has had a hard time finding that place...is she one of the older ones or one of the younger ones? well, now that she is 16 she is definitely one of the olders....although they are all getting there much sooner than i really thought it would happen :(

madeleine came at a time in our lives when we had decided to let god have our family size.  we had had 4  children and all 4 kinda ruled the roost, so to speak.  I was quickly fading and knew we needed a new plan in parenting....thus, with her birth, we began a new season of parenting--with purpose.  schedules, routines, and consequences became a new friend....and what was so amazing is that Miss Madeleine was such an easy baby....i thought it was all my hard work....NOPE...it was this easy going baby girl.

she was also the first 'intentional' home birth...i say that because of my last birthday post...a baby girl born in the car :)  we realized that it would be easier and less stressful for us to stay home.  her birth was the most relaxed, easy birth i had.  again, just a sign of this precious baby...just going with the flow and not getting too upset over too much.

i heard a teaching one time on how parents prophetically name their children--without realizing it :)  Well, her name means 'a strong tower' and of course 'rose'...I asked god one day what he saw in her with that name...that she was such a strong person, but with a soft beauty of roses.  this girl--MAN...she can hold her own with her older brothers and is one strong lady...and you never forget she is a lady....such femininity!!!

madeleine is such a gifted artist.  she amazes me with her ukulele  playing!  She has become my 1st choice in second shooter when i need one.  her photo editing is incredible, too!  and, of course she is a beauty!  not just on the outside, but she has such a beautiful heart.  her heart overflows with all the beauty that she graces us with every day....we are so blessed to have her in our family....in our home....i am a blessed mom to have a daughter, friend and helper like she is.  We love you, Madeleine Rose!  Happy Birthday!  You bless me beyond measure!!