its NOVEMBER!!!!

this has to be one of my most favorite times of the year.....the first frost has killed most of the allergens :), the temps are at a more comfortable place to enjoy the outdoors (especially for Texas), and we are headed to Thanksgiving!  I LOVE this Holiday.  I love having my family ALL home.  I love opening my home to those who don't have family to share Thanksgiving with.  I love fixing all the holiday favorites that my kids just rave over.  and I love thinking about all God has done for us to be able to celebrate it.

I will be sharing lots of recipes this next few days and weeks.....and some Holiday traditions that we have either adopted or created for our family.  All done in the heart of enjoying Him, who gives all everything out for our good and His glory!

I am sharing today on chatting at the sky.  Go have a look at her site and then, when you have time, peruse through the other bloggers who have linked up with her will be blessed!!!!