stepping stones

i was in a lost place.  i felt like i was drowning very quickly. i knew from what i had been told and what i was learning that i had...HAD to keep my focus on God.  there were so many things that were spinning around and were vying for my attention.  i wanted to know what to do next and what the next few days {weeks, months and years} would look like.....God gave me a very vivid picture.  He said  'trust me with your next step.....just the next step' and the picture was of me was in a creek of swirling waters and as i was feeling like i was losing my step, a stone rose up from the water. he said to step on it.  i did.  i stood firmly and solidly for a few minutes. then the water began to rise again....i was getting scared that the water was going to take me off the stone--i was balancing on my tippy toes to stay on by then...and as the water came up just high enough to knock me over , another stone rose up out of the water for me to step on.  i jumped on that one.  and the same thing happened over and over again.  i didn't see the stones under the water. they just appeared--one at a time....right when i needed it to.

what god said was....this is trusting me....the next step will show itself when its time--not too soon or not too late...just in time.