an apple

humor me.  sometimes i am very simple and some times i am even more simple.  depends on how you look at it.  god speaks to me through some of the silliest things!

it was grocery shopping day...i was asking the kids if there was anything i needed to add to the list.  reagan asked me if i would buy those yummy apples that i got the other day...'you know, mom' she said, 'the ones that smell like apples'.....i thought about how she noticed that in those apples versus the ones i usually get.  I have been trying to get us better quality foods when we can afford them...i had bought some organic apples.

i knew there was a lesson in this....god spoke and asked me if I was like those apples?  come again?  he said...was I known by the fragrance that He gives...he then began telling me we were all like apples....sometimes {most times} apples look good on the outside, and its hard to tell what they are really made of on the inside unless they are cut...but the good ones...they smell good on the outside and you KNOW they are good on the inside.

the ones that look good, but don't smell good are {almost always}not the organic ones. they have wax all over them to make them look all shiny and good.  the organic ones are still pretty--and it is more of a natural beauty to them..nothing put on them to make them look good or look better than they are.  they just are.  the organic ones take more money to buy because it takes more money to make them.  maybe not MORE money, but more trouble and more time...and yep, probably more money.

We are like that.  sometimes we have to put 'stuff' all over us to make us look good...whether it be make-up, clothes, activities, achievements, or positions.  we think we are not good enough unless we have all that 'stuff'.  BUT...if we truly have the lord in our hearts and are listening to and obeying him, then there will be a beauty that nothing can take away or change. and we don't need anything to enhance what we are--we just are.  and if that is showing on the outside, then our insides must be really, really good.....

just like that juicy, pretty, smell good apple.