the snow slow down

i don't know about where you are, but here in north texas, we have had our share and more of snow this past two weeks.  well, i guess i should say ice and snow.  the past 2 days have been somewhat  back to 'normal' {whatever that is} and i find myself frustrated with all the things i didn't get done during the days when everyone was home from school.  i had all kinds of plans.  but they went by the wayside.  and i am walking in the consequences of that now.  feeling blue, down, behind and like i can't accomplish much. i ran across a scripture that a friend posted on Facebook last week when it snowed big time {for us}.  God reminded me of it this morning when i was beating myself up for not getting more done and feeling so far behind.

He says to the snow, Fall on the earth,

and to the rain shower, Be a mighty downpour.

So that everyone he has made may know his work,

he stops all people from their labor

~Job 37:6-7

ok.  now i see.  this is one reason god made the snow and the rain--for us to slow down and stop our work!!!!  hmmm......i have always felt guilty when i didn't want to go out in the rain.  well, now i know its biblical :D

here are some pictures of our days of doing nothing around here....