braveheart coaching

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who said?????

Jeremiah 1:5--"Before I made you in your mother's womb, I chose you.  Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work.

the enemy has been working overtime on me....

well, he began when i was very young, probably earlier than i can remember....there were so many things that came against many wounds, so many lies.  and i believed those lies for most of my life.  one of the turning points toward healing for me was when i realized that with every lie he tried to speak over me, it was the counterfeit to one of the name{s} that GOD spoken over me when HE first thought of me.  it was a sneaky ploy and i believed it...and still struggle from time to know those times when you mess up and all you can hear is "what were you THINKING", or  " you will NEVER get this one right", or  "you did it AGAIN" get the point, i don't need to repeat all the bad stuff....but what i have learned is that when something hurts--when someone has bumped up against a bruise of a wound (even a healing one), or when i mess up and feel horrible about it, it triggers old thoughts and if i am not careful, i end up down a spiral--as i like to call them :)  I am learning to stop and feel the pain, then i try to think through the lie that was spoken over me--and if i have repeated it (aloud or to myself-which almost always happens) then i have at some point come into an agreement with it--i purpose to find  the truth of what God says about me--what HE thought of when he first thought of me, and speak those words....i am learning-ever so slowly--to not listen to the whispers of the enemy, but to listen to the word that HE has spoken over me and named me...."precious daughter", "overcomer", "beautiful",  "beloved", "lover of truth"...etc.....

i have a choice who to believe.....and i am learning to discern where the little whispers are coming from and stand up and say......"who says"....

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