
He knows my name.....

today is my oldest "baby" 's birthday.  she is 26 today.  and she is SUCH a blessing to me.  I was praying for her this morning and God brought back a memory of her birth that speaks of HIS love for us.....

at the time, I was working at the corporate offices of Mary Kay.  I had my doctor and the hospital that I would be using.  I knew when I went to the drs office that there was another mom with the same name, but since mine is GI instead of the usual JE, we were able to keep straight :).

I went in to have my baby.  there were 2 baby girls born the same day, at approximately the same time {frame}, with the same last name...one had blonde hair one had black hair.  When all the family gathered to look at the new baby, they were all gooing over the black headed baby....the nurse then brought out another baby--the one with blonde hair and pointed to my husband....that brought a laugh to the crowd who had been making all over the wrong baby :)

When it was time for her first feeding, they brought her to me.  I was to nurse her.  they brought her to me with all the paraphernalia that goes with bottle feeding.  i asked what this was about...the nurse did some immediate checking and realized they had gotten the charts mixed up.  it seemed that not only did those babies have the same last name, their mom's had the same first name (one spelled with a GI and one with a JE) , we were employed by the same company, therefore had the same insurance company, had the same doctor and used the same hospital and were born on the same day!!!  The nurse was flustered and started checking our bands (this was right before the time they pretty much made you bleed to prove you were the mom {well, I guess you really do} ).  I was holding this blonde little baby and looked at her head (this was the first time I had really seen her, as I had had a C-Section).....she had a cowlick on her head in the same place as mine....a nuisance to me for many years.  I knew she was mine...there was no doubt.  Once that was declared, there were many more check points put in place to make sure we got the same baby, but I knew I would know her from there on out.  She bore my markings.....

that is what god told me today...just as I knew her, he knows me, I bear the marks of Christ...

'From henceforth let no man trouble me:

for I bear in my body

the marks of the Lord Jesus."Galatians 6:17

it brings me to a song that god sings over me when i feel lost....when I feel like no one knows me....you can listen here and be assured he knows you!!

Happy Birthday, Love.....I am so proud of you and love you soooooooo much!!!  And, I love your cowlick :D

linked up today with chatting at the sky and sweet shot Tuesday

2 weddings and a miracle


when i first took this wedding, i had another one in the wings.  both were for friends, both i had given my 'friend deal' too :).  one, though had to fly us to him and provide our room and board.  so, that was the fee, basically.  i wanted to be at both and do both, but both were for the same day and 1,000 miles apart.  there were underlying commitments to the one that was long distance, so i needed to take that one and let the other one go....which meant no cash in hand.  I had been basically unemployed for 3 months now and the money would have been very much needed.  time to trust god.  he knew what we needed and it might just be some time away.  these were also very new friends to me.  so, on to Reno and lake tahoe i go.....

when i shoot a wedding (or ANYthing for that matter), my heart is ALL in.  I LOVE taking pictures and capturing those moments.  i know i am not the best out there and it is a constant struggle to not compare myself against all those who have more training or a different gifting than i~constant!!!  AND it is training for me to do what god has called me to do.

i went ready to shoot my heart out....the venue was beautiful--a river boat on the lake.  the food was yummy, the weather perfect...you could not ask for a better day....the family was excited and it was a fun time.

my plane left the next morning, so i had to be up and ready to go.  i got a call from the grooms mom (a precious, PRECIOUS woman of God) to come and have breakfast with her and her family.  i did.  And as i was leaving, she handed me a card~a thank you note (i assumed)....i got in the car, rushing to catch my flight and I opened the card to read.  inside was a check in the EXACT amount i would have made had i done the other wedding.  she had NO IDEA that is how much i charged my friends....none.....it was such a God thing and such a confirmation to me that i had made the right choice.  not that i would not want to be there for my other friend, but i had to walk in what god was saying and trust god to provide for that friend too.  to see some of the pictures from that wedding click here.

linked up with chatting at the sky and sweet shot tuesday

come, sit.....


i don't know about you, but since school has started, my life has spun. out. of. control.  with all the paperwork that needs signing (didn't I do that at the END of the year, so that I wouldn't have this problem again?), all the checks that need to be written (I thought my TAX dollars were paying for this), all the scheduling that needs to happen with 8 individuals and 8 separate yet overlapping lives.  not only that, but I am leaving to shoot an out of town wedding.  not only THAT, but i will be leaving 6 kids to get to school on their own for 2 days....i know they can do it, but as a mom......and, i was so reassured by one of my teens....she said "no offense mom, but you really don't do that much"....wow.

my head is spinning with all the to-dos....i am losing sleep over all the check lists...i hope {not pray} that I am not the only one and others know what that is like....

this morning....God called and said....come.  sit with me a while...let me just hold you....let me tell you what to do today.....and of course, I started to tell HIM all that needed to be done and why I just didn't have time for a cup of coffee with Him....ah....

he brought this picture to mind....he said......sit....pretend you are at the beach, listening to the waves....drink your coffee and smell the ocean breeze....take a deep breath....breathe.....and rest in me.....I AM the way....I AM the truth....I AM the life.....trust me with all of it....

linked today with chatting at the sky,  sweet shot tuesday, steady mom and so much shouting, so much laughter

who needs cinnabon????

I got this recipe from my friend, Debbie Lindstrom.  She is an AMAZING cook/baker.  She shared these on a moms email loop/group I have been a part of for about 10 years now.  when I first made these, they were gobbled up in a nanosecond.  I had to make another batch and then another....so, I figured out real quick that if I quadrupled the recipe, I could have enough for our family to get SICK of them and also have some to share.  I ALWAYS give some away when I make these or just plan on the family having them when there is a need for me to make them for someone.  I have even sold them, they are THAT good!!!!  they freeze very well. Microwaved they are delish or what I like to do if serving them for breakfast, is cook them just until the yeast is cooked...pull them out and save for that morning....put them back in to finish baking and then frost while hot.  One batch makes 2 dz, so I end up with about 8 dz cinnamon rolls....talk about yum!!!  I usually put as many as I can get onto my sheet pans and if I am taking them to others, put them in disposable pans.   I have taken these to neighbors, friends, enemies ;).....they are easy to make for a crowd.....and always welcomed!!!  ENJOY!!! Cinnamon Rolls

  • 1 tbsp. yeast
  • 1 tsp.. salt
  • 1 c. warm milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 c. sugar
  • 4 c. flour
  • 1/2 c. melted butter

Dissolve yeast in milk. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.  Knead into a ball. Let rise until double in size. When ready, roll out to about 1/4 inch thick. Spread with filling below:

  • 1/4 c. butter, softened
  • 3 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 c. brown sugar

Spread butter on dough evenly, Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over dough evenly. Roll dough up. Slice into 1 inch slices. Place on a greased pan. Let rise again. Bake 10 minutes @ 400.

Icing for Cinnamon Rolls

  • 1/2 c. butter, softened
  • 2 tbsp whipping cream
  • 1 1/2 c. powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 oz cream cheese
  • pinch of salt

Beat until fluffy. When rolls are hot, spread on top.

linked up with steadymom and chatting at the sky and so much shouting so much laughter and sweet shot tuesday

the mountain IS there....

many years ago, I lived in California.  I lived there several times growing up and once as an adult.  the last time, i was only there for about 8 months.  I lived close to the ocean and enjoyed those views daily.  it may be where i got my love for the ocean and beach.  one morning as i was on my way to the car headed to work, the ground began shaking, car alarms began blaring and i couldn't get my keys in the car door due to its movement.  we were having an earthquake....well, i won't go into all happened that day, because that's not really my point here, but it is important, i think, to note that it had just happened.  the next morning, i went to do the same thing all over again (going to work) and looked out toward the east and there was the MOST BEAUTIFUL mountain i had ever seen.  Now, I have seen pretty mountains before and LOVE the mountains, but what made this mountain so spectacular that morning, was, first, it was the day after the earth shook me in my boots...literally and figuratively :) .  the biggest thing that makes this mountain so special is that i had never seen it before.  it had never shown its face to me.  it had been covered in all the haze and smog that goes with living in southern cali.  as i was driving to work, i could not keep my eyes off that mountain.  the sky was an incredible shade of blue...so, so clear!  the mountain was so majestic standing there all proud.  God spoke:  he said...i am like that mountain....you may not see me, but i am there.  you may not feel me, but i am there, i may be all covered up by things of this world...your haze, your pollution, but i am there...i will not go away....and it is after the earth shakes for you that you can see me most clearly....

The interesting thing about seeing the mountain that day, is that I never saw it again. I was there several more months and it never came out of the fog/smog/haze during the rest of the time i was there.

i am in a hazy, foggy, smoggy time right now.  i can't see him very clearly...but i know HE is there...HE promises to be there and to never leave me.  my earth is shaking and i am standing on faith and hope of seeing his face as clearly as i have before....just as clearly as the mountain...because HE IS THERE.....

linked up today with steady mom and chatting at the sky and sweet shot tuesday AND so much shouting so much laughter :)

more lessons from the sunflower


and i thought i was planting sunflowers because i liked them.  god spoke again in the life cycle of these beautiful flowers.

the other day, my kids came running in saying that i had killed the sunflower...that it was drooping and dry and withered...i was so sad and feeling so guilty. i have never been able to really grow anything, so i thought this was just another sad case of purple thumb.  well, last week,  i went on a small get-a-way....i was walking past some art galleries and there were the most beautiful sunflowers i had ever seen just peeking over the top of the fence. i got closer to look and there was the groundskeeper tending to the flowers.  I asked him about my droopy flowers...he reassured me when he said that they were doing exactly what they should and showed me this flower.

on first look of a sunflower, it looks like it is a single flower with bright, big petals and a HUGE center.  well, the center is actually made up of TONS of little flowers.  underneath those little flowers is the seed...those yummy sunflower seeds.  i asked about the petals falling off so soon and he said it was exactly what it was supposed to do....who knew???  well, you probably did...

this is what god showed me:  the flower is beautiful when it blooms..but the beauty doesn't last a long time...and then it becomes really productive..once the petals fall off...the beauty is gone...but not all the beauty..because there is beauty in the productive part--those little flowers, they are there and very beautiful in a very understated way--and most people would not give the flower a second thought once the 'big' beauty is gone.  then, when those are gone, you are left with the fruit...the seed....

as most women, i have struggled with my appearance and the {seeming} loss of it. I am learning to  appreciating who god made me to be--in all stages of life--my petals have fallen off :) , my {natural} production has come to an end and now is the time for fruit and seed being scattered and planted.  but we have to have all of the stages to make the next ones possible.  and we can't have them all at the same time.  (well, I know some of you can a couple of them together, but most of us can't).  god is teaching me--and i am a slow learner--that he made me just the way he wanted and that i am accomplishing what he wants me to...and the beauty is there...it just looks different.  And that the beauty He gave me is still there, it just goes deeper--with age, like the sunflower.

Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain {because it is not lasting} but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!~Proverbs 31:30, Amplified

linked up today with a holy experience and chatting at the sky and sweet shot tuesday and so much shouting so much laughter

Chicken Piccatta and roasted veggies


 i had had chicken picatta at a great italian place in rosemary beach, fl.  right after that, i found a recipe in one of those mailers that usually go straight into the recycle bin....for some reason i decided to read before throwing...and i am so glad i did....lesson learned...read the junk mail :)  this is such a great recipe and is much easier than it looks.  when i first served it, i served it with gnocci, and for 4 of us, it was fine...when i fix it for the whole family, i can not justify the cost of the gnocci, so its buttered and parsley-ed noodles for us.  the veggies we have with it are roasted.  and OH-SO good!!!  AND easy!!!

Chicken Picatta

  • 4 chicken pieces, skinless, boneless, pounded to 1/4 inch thick
  • bread crumbs seasoned with herb de provence* (non negotiable)
  • 2 Tbl olive oil
  • 1/2 c chicken broth
  • 2 Tbl fresh lemon juice
  • 1 Tbl capers**
  • 2 Tbl unsalted butter (I NEVER have that on hand, so its regular) :)
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • chopped fresh italian parsley

dip chicken into bread crumbs and brown one side 2-3 minutes in oil in a saute pan.  Flip over and saute for 1-2 minutes with pan covered.  Add broth, lemon juice and capers and cook on each side 1 minute.  Transfer cutlets to a warm plate.  Add butter and lemon to pan, when butter is melted pour over chicken. garnish with lemon slices and chopped parsley

* I found this recipe for herb de provence.  I made double or quadruple and saved it for the next time...it really makes the recipe, i think


  • 1 tablespoon thyme
  • 1 tablespoon chervil
  • 1 tablespoon rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon summer savory
  • 1 teaspoon lavender
  • 1 teaspoon tarragon
  • 1 teaspoon marjoram
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon mint
  • 2 powdered or chopped bay leaves


Mix together all of the ingredients and store in a tightly sealed container.

Makes about 1/3 cup herb mix.

**capers--actually its the bud of a flower that is pickled...I use a little more.

***i always make more broth--double it, at least...its wonderful over the noodles or the veggies!!

Roasted Veggies

I usually pick the seasonal veggies we like...potato, sweet potato, squash, bell peppers, green beans, onion, brussell sprouts (my kids LOVED them after eating them like this), broccoli, whole garlic cloves--whatever...cut in uniform size and toss in a big bowl with olive oil.  Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper.  Put in a 425 oven and cook for about 15 minutes--or until desired doneness.  YUM!!!!!

Texas Caesar Salad

you asked for it....you got it....this is one of THE BEST salad recipes i have.  I got this from a friend MANY years ago and it has become such a favorite.  i used to shy away from making it as it has a few steps and when you have a bunch of little ones hanging on your legs, its just hard to do it all...BUT...it is SOOOOO worth it!!!  if i am really pushed for time, i make it in stages...the dressing and crutons will keep.  what i also really like about it, is that it can be vegetarian or with meat.  we usually have it with meat, but keep that on the side--for two reasons--to keep the salad fresh and the meat from making it soggy and for serving purposes....my kids, when they were little wanted everything separated....so, they can have all we have, just ours is all mixed up :).  for the meat...one of my new secret weapons in fixing this is the Mexican Grocery store and get marinaded fajita meat from the meat counter...its WONDERFUL!!!!  but, in a pinch and what i did in the old days :| is get chicken breasts and marinade them in equal parts of teriyaki sauce, worchestershire sauce and lemon juice.  then sprinkle garlic, salt and pepper on them and let them sit a couple of hours. Grill as you normally would.  the croutons and dressing are THE BEST part of the whole thing, so i usually make double of them and then we eat on this for several days...it makes a TON (even for our family) and we eat it ALL up...we LOVE it...serve with chips and salsa, a mango margarita  iced tea and you have a wonderful meal.... Texas Caesar Salad


  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 shallots or green onion
  • 2 anchovies (opt)
  • 2 fresh jalapenos, seeded
  • 1 c olive oil
  • 1/2 c red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 c. grated Romano cheese
  • 1 egg yolk, or 1 T plain yogurt
  • 1/2 t. black pepper
  • 1 t lemon juice
  • 1 bunch cilantro, chopped

Process in food processor or blender


  • 3 heads romaine lettuce
  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 3 ears fresh corn kernels
  • 1/2 c. tomatoes, fresh or sun dried
  • 1/2 c.  fresh grated Romano or parmesan cheese, Grilled chicken, sliced, opt.

Shred lettuce, cut peppers in strips and combine with remaining ingredients.  You can saute corn in a little oil if desired, but let cool before combining with salad.  Serve with croutons and dressing.  Adding chicken makes  this a complete meal in itself.


  • 1/2 loaf bread, cut in 1/2" cubes
  • 1/2 c. melted butter
  • 1 t. chili powder
  • 1/2 t. cayenne pepper (opt)
  • 1/2 t. cumin
  • 1/4 t. salt

Combine butter and spices.  Toss bread cubes in butter mixture and  spread on cookie sheet.  Bake in 350 oven till browned.

the whole picture

from the viewpoint of this flower, we can kinda picture what the rest looks like, yes?  god  spoke to me thru this flower today.  this is my first attempt at a garden and i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE sunflowers, gerbera daisies, daisies...anything that is brightly colored and bold....maybe because that is a little of me ;) .  this is the first flower to bloom and i have been watching it not so patiently.  when it looked like it had fully bloomed (or is blossomed the right word?), i ran out to take a picture.  god spoke.  see, the rest of the flower was not open yet.  the petals were still folded up toward the inside.  he told me this is what life--my life--your life is like.  there are parts that are beautiful and in full bloom.  there are parts still that are waiting.  for his perfect time.  my struggle, though is that when i see this part of the picture and can, in my minds eye see what the rest should look like (according to my limited view), i then sometimes--no most of the time--act upon what i think will be coming or what i expect, or try to make the picture complete.  god spoke and said to enjoy the picture just like it is.   this is beauty in and of itself....we want to see the whole picture, but it is only for HIM....he makes everything beautiful--in his time.

linked up today with chatting at the sky and sweet shot tuesday, so much shouting, so much laughter and one nutty girl

Mexican dinner

three of my kids have been gone to camp.  it has been VERY quiet around here this week.  we have also been dog sitting for a friend with a pool...YAY!!!  so, i have been taking the youngers swimming everyday and not been very domestic.  i realized today that i had nothing to feed the troops when they came home hungry for mom's food.  i had to think of something fast, easy and yummy.  shredded beef tacos fit that bill.  we love mexican food around here.  we can NEVER have enough :)  here are the recipes for what a normal mexican dinner looks like for us.  Shredded beef tacos are one of the easiest dishes to make.  i found a similar recipe in the paper one day, but didn't have the ingredients.  so, i decided to try my own version.  the hot sauce is originally from my sweet friend stu ferguson.  he is an AMAZING cook.  i have several recipes from him that have become regulars around here.  and the guacamole is not even a recipe...so i feel kinda silly putting it on here, but i realize that some may not know how to make some....so here goes:

Shredded beef tacos

  • 1 roast (any kind, cut, size--just what is on sale and will feed your family)
  • 1 onion, cut in quarters
  • 3 cloves of garlic, peeled and left whole
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 jar salsa (we SWEAR by Joe T Garcias mild sauce for this--we have tried others, but this is our fave.  use what you have or can find)

put the roast in a crock pot with onion, garlic and salt and pepper.  add 1 cup water.  Cook on whatever level you need to for your time allowed :) .  when its tender, take it out, pull it apart using 2 forks.  once shredded,  put back into crock pot (pour out the water and veggies) and combine meat and salsa.  cook another 30 minutes.

serve in tortillas, corn or flour.  we usually have available: chopped lettuce, shredded cheese, sour cream, salsa and guacamole.....

Home made salsa

  • 1 large can diced tomatoes
  • 1 large can rotel tomatoes
  • 1 package taco seasoning
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • chopped cilantro
  • juice of 1 lime
  • salt and pepper to taste

what i do:  i blend the 2 cans of tomatoes slightly (you don't have to, if you and your kids like chunks--mine don't).  combine all ingredients except cilantro in a pot and bring to a boil.  lower heat and let simmer 20 minutes on low.  turn heat off and stir in cilantro.  bring out the chips :)


  • avocados (duh)
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 Tbl cilantro, chopped
  • salt, pepper and seasoned salt
  • 1 tomato, chopped
  • purple onion, finely chopped ( to taste--we usually don't put it in, unless its only the big kids eating)

mash avocado, and combine all ingredients.  season to taste.  YUM!!!!!

Wednesday night dinner and Charro beans

for about a year and a half we have been having an open dinner in our home.  we call it Wednesday night family dinner.  it all started when i was struggling with how 'the church' was handling my situation and the realization that i really don't have a family...now, when i say that, i get crazy looks because, of course, i have a family of 9 children.  what i mean when i say that is that i don't have anyone to stand shoulder to shoulder with me and be MY family....does that make sense?  so, one day, i was feeling particularly sorry for my self :( and i was pouring my heart out to god.  he so tenderly spoke to my heart:  'if you want to have family, you will need to make one'....then he just downloaded this idea....to open our home to anyone who wanted family and/or needed family.  we have had so many people just pass through our home on those nights and so many more are hanging around and we are making a new picture of family.  i don't cook anything fancy and try not to go to too much trouble to get my house clean...of course, you know how it is...if company is coming, it kinda makes you do things that you put off anyway, so much more gets done :)  I told everyone from the beginning that we would have just what i would be fixing for my own family...sometimes, its scrambled eggs!!  i try to make enough of the main thing, so that if no one else came or no one brought anything else to eat, we would be good. god has been so good to provide for us.  i have been unemployed during a lot of this time....been on food stamps (how humbling) and have learned to receive food from others(again..how humbling)....people bring what we need (you know how god does that for potlucks)....

we are learning to share our hearts, share our children, share our food and share our burdens.  we have had as many as 25 kids here and it takes many of us to keep the fort safe :) we are {slowly, but surely} becoming a family--people who will be there for you no matter what...people who don't understand our quirks and love us anyway.

we had a mexican dinner last night and i made some beans...charro beans.  i have been wanting to try my hand at these for a long time, as the only place i could find them is at a good mexican food place.  i googled and found several recipes and came up with the common denominator of what became a hit of a recipe!  i was asked by several to share it, so decided to put it here....

  • 2 lbs dried pinto beans, sorted and soaked overnight or at least 2 hours
  • 2 cans chicken stock
  • 1 lb bacon
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, pressed
  • 1 bell pepper, diced
  • 8 roma tomatoes or 1 large can diced tomatoes
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1-12 oz can of beer (brand and cost is up to you-i don't drink it so it is CHEAP)
  • 1 bunch cilantro, chopped


cover beans with water and cook until almost tender.  Meanwhile, cook bacon in a large skillet.  when almost crisp, add onion, bell pepper and garlic.  finish cooking until onion is tender.  when beans are almost tender, add bacon mixture, chicken broth, tomatoes, beer and spices.  cook until beans are completely tender.  add cilantro and stir thoroughly.  adjust seasoning to your preference

this makes a soupish consistency, so it can be eating either way :)


these are things that i have learned to do with many small children around:  I usually blend my onion, peppers and tomatoes up in the blender using a little liquid.  i do this ALL the time, since they usually complain about chunks of veggies....

I also use a pizza cutter to cut my cilantro, basil or any other fresh herb/spice.  I use it to cut pancakes, french toast or anything like that that i need to cut huge masses of food in a very short amount of time.

{healthy} summertime snacking…..

well, the pressure is on and  i am trying hard to get my recipe for Texas Caesar Salad up, but to do that, i have to actually cook it to have a picture (well, that is the goal i have set)...it will be next week, hopefully that i will have time to do that.  in the meantime, i will share a tried and true family favorite and a new one that we LOVE!!!  the first one is watermelon slush...it is so easy and you probably already have your own version of it.... there is no exact recipe....what we do, is get a seedless watermelon (i don't even bother with the others now)...cut it in half and eat one half :)  cut out the meat of the other half and blend it up.  i don't add sugar or anything....it is good by itself....now, you can experiment and see what your family likes....i have tried lime in it and the kids HATED it..so we just stick to the basics....blend it up and pour it into a 9x13 pan.  cover and freeze.  when you are ready to have it, take it out and let it soften just a bit...you just want it soft enough to cut chunks out of it and put it in the blender again....you might need to add water, but sometimes just the melted juice is enough.  blend until desired consistency...that's it....just be prepared for brain freeze and a mouth that can not talk.  we love these and try to have them at least once a week.

this next recipe is AMAZING!!!

almond butter chocolate chip cookies......GLUTEN FREE, FLOUR FREE!!!!

  • 1 cup unsalted almond butter, stirred well
  • 3/4 cup sucanat
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3 oz dark chocolate

Preheat oven to 350.  In a medium bowl, stir together first 5 ingredients until blended.  Stir in chocolate.

Drop dough by rounded tablespoons onto parchment-lined baking sheets.  Bake for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned.  Let cool on baking sheets for 5 minutes.  Remove to a wire rack and let cool for 15 more minutes.

NOW--my notes:  we doubled this and could have easily quadrupled it...these cookies are so YUMMY!!! YI would cut the sucanat to 1/2 cup.   if you don't know what that is, google it.  I use it all the time in place of brown sugar.  it has lots of good nutrients in it, but if used too heavy, it can taste like black strap molasses....YUCK...if you have ever had to take that for anemia, you know you don't want your cookies to taste like that :P  .  I use Gheridelli 60% cocoa--again, health food store purchase...maybe Central Market....

these don't look like they will stick together and act like cookies, but they do.

so, so yummy!!!!

linked up with chattingatthesky and steadymom and sweetshottuesday

my life in food.....

i had said before that i would expound on my relationship/history with cooking, recipes and food.  well, here it is. i have mentioned before that i had been sexually abused beginning between the age of 2 and 3.  one of my abusers was a step-father.  he was married to my mom for 13 years and i was abused during most of that, and, i realized much later, that he saw me as his wife...in every aspect.  i was responsible for every household duty, as well (you ask about my mom~that's another whole story).  by the age of 7, i was responsible for anything and everything that had to do with meals.  this meant meal planning, budgeting,  grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning.

for years, i was very resentful.  for years.

one day, god spoke to me through my children.  one of my boys asked me if i would give his {very far off-in the distant future} fiance cooking lessons, because he was going to require it of her before he proposed :) .  at first, i was appalled, thinking through my wounded filter of how i would feel if my future husband required that of me.  then i thought how much of a compliment that was to me that my kids really liked what i cooked for them.  i realized then, that i had been gifted with the ability to cook, find really GOOD recipes, change them to make them more appealing for our family and cooking in large quantities.....

i have a great collection of recipes, tips, hints, and meal ideas.  most of this i have learned through my mistakes :(  haven't we all learned most of our good stuff from failing?

it is time for me to begin sharing what i have in a format so that others can access it {and my kids don't call me while i am cooking my own dinner}.  I will learn how to do a print link, but for now, just this will have to do.

i am very eclectic in my food experiences.  there will be some very healthy recipes, some that are very not healthy ones and everything in between.  i try to take pictures of at least the finished product, but i won't have too many pics...i am too busy cooking it!  most all recipes come with a story....my goal is to put one on here each week...tried and true....some most from friends and i will try to make sure i give credit where its due.....but i'm telling ya....i change things up a ton and cook without measuring most of the time..this is an act of discipline :/

i hope you enjoy the fruit of many years of laboring to find the gold in the bucket of trash......

p.s.  the picture of me: i know it has NOTHING to do with food...it is in response to others saying i didn't have one of me on here.....

against the odds

We celebrated a high school graduation this weekend.  this graduation held a special weight to it.  they said it couldn't be done...or not without great travail.  it is not kaitlyn, personally, who had the challenge~the challenge came from what we have been told and what we have believed.  kaitlyn is the first of my 9 children to graduate from {public} school....YIKES!!!  Kaitlyn {and the rest of the younger children} have had to fight on several arenas: the homeschool side:

  • the children can not learn {anything profitable} in public school
  • children in public school are inferior to homeschooled children
  • their character will be in jeopardy
  • they will be having sex by the time they are in middle school
  • the teachers don't care about the children
  • no one can teach your child better than you
  • the children are only taught to the TAKS tests ( insert your state regulated testing here)
  • (ok-this one gets me)--the kids have sex in the halls.....
  • god does not want children in public school

I could go on and on...and some of this is what I have taken from what i have been taught, through my faulty filter--not necessarily what was intended.

the public school side:

  • children who homeschool are inferior to public school children
  • children who homeschool are very deficient in what they need
  • they can not socially adapt to the setting of a public school
  • the homeschool children's teacher {mom} is really stupid to think she can do their job
  • the children will be a drain on the resources of the system
  • the children will have to be put back at least a year to make up for their lack of education
  • the public school system will have to sacrifice to help 'these' children

again, i could go on...you get the idea....doesn't seem to matter which way you go, there are so many people saying it can't be done...going from homeschool to public school...and she DID IT!!!!  AND she made incredible grades....yes we have had battles, challenges, defeats and victories....as we did the 18 years we homeschooled.

what i am convinced now, is that if god is in it...then it will succeed....

Kaitlyn has done an incredible job, considering the challenges she {and the younger 6 children} faced from the first day she entered school.  She has learned more than i could have ever taught her.  she has stood up for right when there is wrong going on around her.  she has incredible friends--friends who have high standards themselves.  i am so proud of her and her victories in entering high school when they said it couldn't be done--and she finished well: all 'a's' with one 'b'.  she has learned to study (something I never could teach) she has been able to follow her giftings and talents (which we did not have the money for), learned how to test, choose classes, choose friends, learn to relate to her teachers, learn to ask for help from them.  the teachers have been incredible--all truly caring about her as an individual....we have had incredible counselors and great support.

kaitlyn is paving the way for her younger brothers and sisters and has done an amazing job of it....

linked with www.chattingatthesky.com and steadymom and moms 30 minute blog challenge

who said?????

Jeremiah 1:5--"Before I made you in your mother's womb, I chose you.  Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work.

the enemy has been working overtime on me....

well, he began when i was very young, probably earlier than i can remember....there were so many things that came against me...so many wounds, so many lies.  and i believed those lies for most of my life.  one of the turning points toward healing for me was when i realized that with every lie he tried to speak over me, it was the counterfeit to one of the name{s} that GOD spoken over me when HE first thought of me.  it was a sneaky ploy and i believed it...and still struggle from time to time...you know those times when you mess up and all you can hear is "what were you THINKING", or  " you will NEVER get this one right", or  "you did it AGAIN"....you get the point, i don't need to repeat all the bad stuff....but what i have learned is that when something hurts--when someone has bumped up against a bruise of a wound (even a healing one), or when i mess up and feel horrible about it, it triggers old thoughts and if i am not careful, i end up down a spiral--as i like to call them :)  I am learning to stop and feel the pain, then i try to think through the lie that was spoken over me--and if i have repeated it (aloud or to myself-which almost always happens) then i have at some point come into an agreement with it--i purpose to find  the truth of what God says about me--what HE thought of when he first thought of me, and speak those words....i am learning-ever so slowly--to not listen to the whispers of the enemy, but to listen to the word that HE has spoken over me and named me...."precious daughter", "overcomer", "beautiful",  "beloved", "lover of truth"...etc.....

i have a choice who to believe.....and i am learning to discern where the little whispers are coming from and stand up and say......"who says"....

linked up to www.chattinginthesky.com

yummy chocolate cake

this is probably the most requested cake for birthdays at our house.  there are a few others, and i will share those later....this recipe came from my dear, sweet friend, Patti Johnson.  it is called texas hot cocoa cake...i'm not sure why, but it doesn't matter...its GOOD!!!!  NOW, i will be sharing shortly about my interest and giftings in cooking from scratch, messing with recipes to change them and whatnot....what i tend to do with passing recipes on, is post the recipe as written and then post script what *I* do :) today, i had to make 4 of these cakes.  we are going to downtown dallas tomorrow to feed a group of special people and i volunteered the cake.  one reason is that it is sooooo good.  the other is that it is sooooo easy.  i almost always have the ingredients on hand and can pretty much whip it up in a few minutes. its a great cake to take to potlucks or to family in need.  after the first double batch, i decided to change it up a bit and will share what i did.

TEXAS HOT COCOA CAKE         serves 24

  • 1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
  • 1/2 cup liquid shortening (another word for oil :))....i have used 1 cup of butter, too and like it better
  • 1 cup water
  • 6 Tablespoons cocoa (I use heaping)
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (optional--some of my kids really don't like the cinnamon in it)


  • 1 1/2 stick butter
  • 1/4 cup cocoa
  • 6 Tablespoons milk
  • 1 box (1 lb) powdered sugar ( I usually use just a tad bit less than this--makes more of a glaze on the cake)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 cup chopped nuts (very optional, we usually don't use them, since they are $$ and not everyone likes them, but used them on one cake today)

directions:  bring butter, oil, cocoa and water to a boil.  take off heat.  combine the flour and sugar and cinnamon.  add the cocoa mixture to that mixture.  mix together the buttermilk, eggs, soda, salt and vanilla.  (yes! do make sure you add the soda to the wet ingredients, NOT the dry--it does make a difference--ask me how I know).  mix in the egg mixture to the chocolate batter.  Pour into a greased (pam) 9x13 or sheet cake (I have done both and really like the sheet cake better)  Bake at 350 for 30-45 min for the 9x13.  15-20 for the sheet cake pan.  While the cake is cooking, combine the butter and cocoa in a pan ( I use the same pan I boiled the other mixture in--don't bother to even rinse it--its the same ingredients :))  heat and mix til butter is melted.  take off heat and stir in the milk, powdered sugar, vanilla and nuts....pour over a hot cake--just pulled from the oven....and watch everyone fight over licking the bowls

this is how it is every. single. time.  I promise, I didn't do this :)

its really, really, REALLY good with a glass of milk (don't tell my kids I said that)

my sweet reagan

today, reagan is 7 years old!  time flies is not strong enough for what i feel for these past 7 years.  this baby girl is our baby baby....the last one...and the one god has used to show me what an 'untouched' little girl looks like...one who knows how to follow her heart.  she is so passionate about life.  of course she has had pain, but she has had a different mama than most of my kids...even my oldest said that one day.....that these younger 3 have a different mom than the older 6...sad and rejoicing at the same time....this girl brings us so much joy...she is always coming up with some shinanigan....a dance contest at school, a way to be a pest make money in the neighborhood, a new play to put on for the family~one she giggles and laughs so much through that we can't understand a single word....she is a Justin Bieber (sp) lover right now....and the older kids have so much fun with all this...she is loved and she knows it!!  happy birthday, sweet reagan.  I love you with all my heart!!!

be still and know that he is god......

have you ever tried to be still?  it is the ONLY way i can hear god.  one of my favorite scriptures is about how god is not in the earthquake and he is not in the fire, but he is in the gentle whisper.  I LOVE that....i expect god to speak loudly--and sometimes he does--but mostly, he speaks when i get still and press into him in my heart.  we are on a family vacation right now and i am reminded of how much planning for and taking a vacation is like purposing to have time with him....we plan far ahead so that we have saved enough money, we have to make reservations far ahead so that we get a place large enough (that we can afford) to house all of us.  I plan the food, shop, prepare the food, make sure everyone had a swimsuit--YIKES!  Then there is the packing, loading and driving...making sure everyone has enough to keep them occupied for the 13+ hour trip to the gulf.  once here, it is unpacking, cooking, keeping up with the laundry, keeping the kids safe, etc....so...if i allow this to consume me, I never get to be still and relax.  it takes so much work for us to go on vacation--just as it takes work for me to have time to be still...i have to prepare...me, my family, the day...so many things can pull on me to keep me from it....the enemy knows how to attack in this area (as I am sure he knows your weak spots) :)....i know that when i have purposed to do this....take the time to prepare to have some quiet, still time with HIM, then HE is faithful to meet me....oh, he meets me in the chaos, too...but this is where he wants me....still and quiet...in my heart...when everything else is swirling around me...it just takes work...

a growing family

yesterday was mother's day.  it was a great day and it is a reminder of how my family is growing....not necessarily in number (which is coming soon enough), but in age and what that brings with it. gone are the days of my struggling through mother's day of getting a bunch of little ones dressed and ready for church--and of course in my perfectionism and man seeking approval stage--everyone had to look alike with hair done perfectly. i made myself completely crazy with those days...there were many mother's days that i was pregnant, not feeling my best and was pretty much grumpy....i took on more than i needed to to keep my family 'looking' the part....oh, how sad that is when i think of all the energy i wasted and how hard i was on my kids, my {ex} husband AND, especially our children.

those days are gone.  I now only take care of myself and if the kids are not looking exactly like *I* would like them to look, i look the other way :) .  my deepest desire for mother's day is that we can all be together.  it does happen, but it is not easy.  with the growing family, there are times when one or another of the children can not be there, for part or any of the day.  i have one child that must go to another family and celebrate a step-mom, i have kids who have 'significant others' who must go to other families, i have kids with jobs--some being at churches--so that they must work on Sundays and another yet that works retail and must go by his assigned schedule....

one of the hardest things for me to grapple with as a mom of young adults and still young ones at home is the thought of having a family picture done, but not everyone can be there for the picture.  i tend to shy away from those pictures when all but one or two (or more) can not be there, because "we are not all here"...our family is not complete.  Now, as I say this, I realize, our family will never be the same after divorce.  it is bittersweet that our 'daddy' is not with us and has chosen that path.  it is VERY sweet that God provided a WONDERFUL man to take on the mission of my family...

i have to remind myself that early on, in the days of taking family pictures, that not all the kids were in those...the younger ones weren't even a thought at the time.  it is hard to do, but it is only the right thing to do...to take pictures of the memory and moments that God so graciously gives us....and know deep in my heart that we are ALL still family....even when others are not there.....this picture is the last picture (so far) of EVERYONE being in the same place at the same time all made up ready for pictures :)

the gleaners

I have this oven door that I found in Canton--its an actual door of an OLD OLD oven made out of cast iron--it would kill you if it fell from the perch I have it on (its secure)...I absolutely LOVE it and my family just does not understand why I love it so much(read: they HATE it).....I haven't really gotten it, either, until this week.  I am doing a book study on the book Nurture by Lisa Bevere....WONDERFUL book....and in one chapter, she addressed the book of Ruth and how we need mothers - not mentors and the difference....she was talking about how Naomi told Ruth to go glean from Boaz's fields and what gleaning meant....

Ruth was invited to join the group of women who gleaned exclusively in Boaz's fields until the end of the harvest.  These were the women of strength who worked diligently in his fields so that nothing would  be lost and all would be fed.  Is this not what we are looking for today--women of strength ? So many have been left behind by the harvesters because no one knew how to look for them.

gleaning is painstaking work; one has to sift through what others have cast aside.  it is to snatch from decay and see what slipped by the first pass of the harvesters

i realized why i am drawn to the oven door (as I am to the book of Ruth).  a friend of mine tells me i have learned to extract the precious from the worthless=gleaning! my picture of this is that a tornado may be spinning around you (literally or figuratively) and there are precious jewels being left in the destruction. my job is to sift through the destruction--where it looks hopeless, sometimes, and find the diamonds of hope, the jewels that God leaves for me to see HIM in it all...and it is hard work, and not all the time fun and sometimes the jewels don't look like jewels at the time.....it IS painstaking work.....it is gleaning.....that is why i LOVE this oven door SOOOOO much :)